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Difference between LCD and CRT

  Key Difference:  LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display) are displays that use liquid crystals sandwiched between two sheets of polarizing material. The images are displayed when electrical charge is applied to the crystals. CRTs (Cathode Ray Tube) are vacuum tubes that use electron guns and fluorescent screens to display images. CRTs and LCDs vary greatly and LCDs are replacing CRTs in today’s world. LCDs are lighter, slimmer and consume less power compared to CRTs. However, CRTs have a sharper image quality compared to LCDs. LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display) are displays that use liquid crystals sandwiched between two sheets of polarizing material. The images are displayed when electrical charge is applied to the crystals. An LCD uses a select type of liquid crystal known as twisted nematics (TN), which are twisted in shape. Applying a current to these crystals causes them to unwind to a certain degree depending on the voltage. A LCD is in a layer formation, it starts ...