Thursday must have been a grueling day for Kalonzo Musyoka. He dug himself into a hole, and didn’t stop digging until he was sure he was well and truly buried under a dirty heap of ignominy. CORD leadership had assembled in force to deliver its long-awaited verdict on the performance of Jubilee in government over the past year. Going by innumerable pointed hints preceding the CORD news conference, this verdict was going to be unforgiving indeed. They had noisily berated Jubilee of discrimination, ethnic profiling and failing to unite the country. Nobody will remember a thing about the news conference, thanks to Mr Musyoka. He was asked a question by a journalist, and he sought to know the journalist’s name before answering. However, as soon as Mr Musyoka learnt the journalist’s name, it was a wrap! “Thank you, Kennedy Mureithi; that name betrays it all. Absolutely. Thank you! I have nothing else to say.” Let us visit salient points of this sinister disclosure. Perhaps we start...
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