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Showing posts with the label Health

How To Make Fried Chicken Without Frying?

Ingredients 4 chicken thighs 2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil rosemary sage tarragon salt pepper 6 Tbsp of bread crumbs 2 Tbsp of honey 2 Tbsp of vinegar   Preparation 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F. 2. Wash and dry the chicken thighs. 3. Mince the herbs. 4. In a bowl put the extra virgin olive oil, the minced herbs, salt and pepper. 5. Put the chicken inside the bowl and gently massage the chicken with the oil and herbs mixture. 6. Pass each thigh on the breadcrumbs and put on an oven tray covered with parchment paper. 7. Cook until well done, from 50 minutes to one hour, depending on your oven and the weight of the chicken pieces. 8. At half cooking time, turn each piece to the other side. 9. Prepare a sauce mixing the honey and vinegar. 10. Five minutes before taking the chicken out of the oven, brush each piece with the sauce.  

A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep

If you’re like most Americans you probably don’t get eight hours sleep each night. But, if you also constantly feel exhausted, experience headaches for no obvious reason or have high blood pressure, you could have a more serious problem. That’s because these can all be the result of snoring—which is, in turn, the most common symptom of a potentially serious health problem—obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While most people think of snoring as a minor annoyance, research shows it can be hazardous to your health.  That’s because for over 18 million Americans it’s related to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People who suffer from OSA repeatedly and unknowingly stop breathing during the night due to a complete or partial obstruction of their airway.  It occurs when the jaw, throat, and tongue muscles relax, blocking the airway used to breathe.  The resulting lack of oxygen can last for a minute or longer, and occur hundreds of times each night. Thankfully, mos...

How This One Trick Could Transform Your Body

Reading about sports these days, we are constantly bombarded with news of top notch athletes being exposed for using illegal steroids. Steroid use involves huge costs, legal issues, and above all, potential health problems. With such risks, you wonder why anyone would be tempted to go this route. Fortunately, steroid use may eventually be a thing of the past.  That’s because medical researchers studying how the human body builds muscle and endurance are developing safe and legal substances which can increase the body's ability to build muscle, without the health risks associated with steroids. One of the most interesting fields of research surrounds a naturally occurring chemical compound called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which means it helps move oxygen to the muscles when they need it most. Increased nitric oxide in the blood stream signals the blood vessel walls to relax, which allows more blood to flow to the ...

Lifestyle Hips don't lie

What your various body parts say about your personality Mirror We're told size doesn’t matter... but scientists keep finding new ways to suggest it actually does. A controversial study claims women with wider hips have more sexual partners and more one-night stands. Leeds Uni boffins say the broad-of-beam are more suited to childbirth and therefore keener to romp. Many will scoff – women with big hips presumably – there’s plenty of science to say physical attributes DO offer clues to our personalities. From height and hair to boobs and bums, our bodies are sending out messages... Head People with large skulls don’t get so forgetful as they age. Southampton University found pensioners with bigger craniums were better at memory tests. A spokesman said: “The larger a person’s head, the less likely their cognitive abilities are to decline in later years.” Hair Bald men are considered tougher and more macho – but only if they shave their head completely. A Uni...

How to lose weight

More than one-third of adults in the United States are obese. In fact, the furor over obesity, which some have termed an “epidemic,” has reached such proportions that one big-city mayor has gone about banning large-sized, sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a crusade to control the dietary offerings in public schools. Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obese are still overweight, and a large percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight. Shedding pounds largely comes down to the two-pronged factors of diet and exercise. Not modifying the first one enough, and not getting enough of the second one, ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight.  Conditions related to obesity include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Counseling someone to eat less and exercise more might be the simplest advice possible, but it’s also, partiall...

Health Check: When is ‘The Flu’ Really a Cold?

Most people who think they have the flu, don’t. And some people who think they have a cold, really have the flu. So what is the difference between a cold and the flu? And does it matter? A cold is a mild illness that resolves without treatment. It is a combination of some or all of the following: sneezing, a runny and then blocked nose, a sore or scratchy throat, cough, low-grade fever, headache and malaise. Doctors often refer to a cold as an upper respiratory tract infection or URTI (pronounced   er-tee ). They are very common – on average, you can expect three per year. There are at least 200 different viral subtypes that cause colds – the commonest by far are   rhinoviruses   which are responsible for at least 40%; others include   coronaviruses ,   respiratory syncytial virus   (RSV), metapneumovirus   and   parainfluenza   viruses. Following a cold, the small airways in the lungs become “hyper-reactive”. This can trigger an a...

7 Wonderful Foods That Will Give You Great Skin

There are many tasty foods that can give you great skin, and including some of them in your eating plan is essential. When you have a healthy skin, you look much younger and fresher, no matter how old you are. The foods you consume every day play a significant role in the health of your skin as well as your overall health. Nowadays it’s hard to choose foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time. Hopefully, this list of 7 foods to eat to have a gorgeous skin will help you keep your skin healthy and young. 1. Flax seeds Flax seeds are rich in omega-3’s that play a critical role in controlling the appearance of age spots and fine lines. A study shows that consuming flax seeds every day helps relieve skin redness and irritation and helps make skin look fresh and soft. Add some flax seeds to your oatmeal, smoothies or your favorite muffin recipe. 2. Purple and blue fruits Purple and blue fruits are among the best foods to eat for a great skin. Blueberries, blackberries ...

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

A cell phone emits about 1 Watt of electromagnetic radiation. Most of that zooms away to find a cell phone tower. The tissues of the user will absorb a part of this radiation. These tissues include the caller’s hand, ear, scalp, skull, and brain. The closer a tissue is to the cell phone’s antenna, the more of the radiation the tissue absorbs. For some reason, however, none of those raising fears about cell phones causing cancer are concerned about skin cancers on palms, fingers, or ears. The frequency of the typical cell phone radiation is about 2.5 GHz, two and a half billion flips back and forth per second. The radiation travels at the speed of light — 186,000 miles per second — and dividing the one by the other and correcting for the units I used for the speed, shows that the wavelength of this radiation is about 10 centimeters or about 4 inches. As the electric fields of the waves pass through the body’s tissues, the fields grab and try to shake any molecules or parts of th...

Exercising while sitting at your computer

One of those things to improve your heath is exercising. Did you know that you can turn your workplace into a gym? It takes some creativity, but there are opportunities to exercise at work if you pay attention. Do simple stretching exercises. Stretch your arms, legs, neck and torso while sitting. Neck: Slowly flex your head forward/backward, side to side and look right and left. Never roll your head around your neck. This could cause damage to the joints of the neck. Shoulders: Roll your shoulders forward around 10 times, then backward. This helps release the tension off your shoulders. Arms and Shoulders: A good stretch for your arms and shoulders is to brace your hands on the edge your desk, each about a shoulder width away from your body. Twist your hands in so they point toward your body and lean forward, hunching your shoulders. Take this a step further and push your shoulders and elbows closer to the desk. Wrists: can be damaged when you use computer’s mouse or keyboard. ...

How computers effect your health?

Eyestrain The human eye structurally prefers to look at objects further than six meters away, so any work performed close-up puts extra demands on the eye muscles. While there is no evidence that eye fatigue is associated with damage to the eyesight, computer users may experience symptoms such as blurred vision, temporary inability to focus on faraway objects and headaches. The following changes can be helpful: Computer screen  - Adjust the height of your screen so you're not tilting your head down and tensing your neck. Lighting  - Try adjusting the screen and the lights to keep glare to a minimum. Rest breaks  - Taking periodic breaks, during which you relax and gently stretch your neck muscles, can ease muscle strain. In addition, avoid any tendency to stare at the screen without blinking, since this can lead to dryness in the eyes. Remembering to  blink  can help you avoid dry eyes Headache A computer screen is much like a television but...