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Showing posts from April 19, 2014

Man catches his wife cheating days after their wedding

A man was broken hearted when he caught his wife cheating a few days after their wedding.   The man was devastated that his newlywed wife was cheating on him within the first month of their marriage. Armson Ndlovu of Zimbabwe , could not come to terms with the fact that his wife, who married him and promised to spend the rest of his life with him until death, cheated on him with her former boyfriend immediately after the marriage.   Ndlovu, who lives in the suburb of Emakhandeni, Bulawayo , told the court that he started cheating on his wife after she cheated on him a few days after their wedding. Ndlovu decided to take revenge against his new wife by cheating with her cousin, who was identified as Beverly . However, he was busted and his cheating was discovered by his wife’s sisters, who walked in on the two having sex. The women allegedly beat their brother-in-law over the affair.   Now, Ndlovu asked the court for a protective order against his sisters-in-...

Landlord tries to collect rent with chainsaw

A landlord demanding rent arrears threatened tenants and German police with a whirring chainsaw, a police spokesman said on Wednesday. The frightened tenants called police to the scene, and the 45-year-old man eventually dropped the chainsaw when the officers showed their guns. The spokesman said the landlord was apparently trying to collect Ksh1.5million in rent on a flat in the southern town of Burgau . He was charged with threatening bodily harm.

Owuor's Eldoret crusade route washed with soap

Police redirected traffic as hundreds of Owuor's followers, mostly women scrabbed the road from the Eldoret Airstrip to the Eldoret Sports Club where the three-day rally will be held. HUNDREDS followers of self-declared prophet David Owuor caused a stir in Eldoret town as they used soap to wash sections of roads to be used by the preacher during his Easter prayer rally. "We are doing it for the man of God. We believe in God who uses him to speak to the world," said one of the followers. Thousands of other followers including some from neighouring countries have been spending nights at the sports club for the last four days awaiting for his arrival. Uasin Gishu police boss Nelson Taliti yesterday said more than 200 officers have been deployed in the town to provide security for the Easter rally. He said the officers will patrols streets and key worship places including Owuor's rally venue, the Eldoret Sports Club during Easter festivities. Taliti said terror e...

10 Ways To Keep Him From Cheating

Try these 10 ways to prevent infidelity in your relationship! Most men do not cheat because they don't love you anymore . Men cheat because they want more variety in their   sex   lives. Some complain of being bored. They want to feel adored by their partners; they want to asert their freedom; they are tired of disappointing you; they want a partner who places them at the center of their life, and they no longer feel like the priority in yours. Sometimes it's because you are speaking different   love   languages, and some men say it is a biological directive to procreate with as many women as possible for survival of the species. Whatever the reason, men have an innate need to feel respected and appreciated by their partners. It is most disconcerting for a man to realize he has disappointed his partner in some way. He wants to be her hero. So, here are 10 ways to prevent your man from cheating: 1.        Be willing to initiate s...

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

A cell phone emits about 1 Watt of electromagnetic radiation. Most of that zooms away to find a cell phone tower. The tissues of the user will absorb a part of this radiation. These tissues include the caller’s hand, ear, scalp, skull, and brain. The closer a tissue is to the cell phone’s antenna, the more of the radiation the tissue absorbs. For some reason, however, none of those raising fears about cell phones causing cancer are concerned about skin cancers on palms, fingers, or ears. The frequency of the typical cell phone radiation is about 2.5 GHz, two and a half billion flips back and forth per second. The radiation travels at the speed of light — 186,000 miles per second — and dividing the one by the other and correcting for the units I used for the speed, shows that the wavelength of this radiation is about 10 centimeters or about 4 inches. As the electric fields of the waves pass through the body’s tissues, the fields grab and try to shake any molecules or parts of th...

Difference between LCD and CRT

  Key Difference:  LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display) are displays that use liquid crystals sandwiched between two sheets of polarizing material. The images are displayed when electrical charge is applied to the crystals. CRTs (Cathode Ray Tube) are vacuum tubes that use electron guns and fluorescent screens to display images. CRTs and LCDs vary greatly and LCDs are replacing CRTs in today’s world. LCDs are lighter, slimmer and consume less power compared to CRTs. However, CRTs have a sharper image quality compared to LCDs. LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display) are displays that use liquid crystals sandwiched between two sheets of polarizing material. The images are displayed when electrical charge is applied to the crystals. An LCD uses a select type of liquid crystal known as twisted nematics (TN), which are twisted in shape. Applying a current to these crystals causes them to unwind to a certain degree depending on the voltage. A LCD is in a layer formation, it starts ...

Exercising while sitting at your computer

One of those things to improve your heath is exercising. Did you know that you can turn your workplace into a gym? It takes some creativity, but there are opportunities to exercise at work if you pay attention. Do simple stretching exercises. Stretch your arms, legs, neck and torso while sitting. Neck: Slowly flex your head forward/backward, side to side and look right and left. Never roll your head around your neck. This could cause damage to the joints of the neck. Shoulders: Roll your shoulders forward around 10 times, then backward. This helps release the tension off your shoulders. Arms and Shoulders: A good stretch for your arms and shoulders is to brace your hands on the edge your desk, each about a shoulder width away from your body. Twist your hands in so they point toward your body and lean forward, hunching your shoulders. Take this a step further and push your shoulders and elbows closer to the desk. Wrists: can be damaged when you use computer’s mouse or keyboard. ...

How computers effect your health?

Eyestrain The human eye structurally prefers to look at objects further than six meters away, so any work performed close-up puts extra demands on the eye muscles. While there is no evidence that eye fatigue is associated with damage to the eyesight, computer users may experience symptoms such as blurred vision, temporary inability to focus on faraway objects and headaches. The following changes can be helpful: Computer screen  - Adjust the height of your screen so you're not tilting your head down and tensing your neck. Lighting  - Try adjusting the screen and the lights to keep glare to a minimum. Rest breaks  - Taking periodic breaks, during which you relax and gently stretch your neck muscles, can ease muscle strain. In addition, avoid any tendency to stare at the screen without blinking, since this can lead to dryness in the eyes. Remembering to  blink  can help you avoid dry eyes Headache A computer screen is much like a television but...