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Showing posts with the label SocialMedia

A call for massive ‘Reformation’ – before it is too late. [MODERN CHURCH]

It is a sad fact that today’s church is deceiving itself in some very crucial areas. Below are some plain facts (-absolutely true) that may shock a few people:    1. “Ask Jesus into our heart” is not in the Bible. Neither is “Give your heart to the Lord”, or repeating a “sinner’s prayer”. These practices do not exist in Scripture at all. The subject of salvation is the most important subject in the Bible and we are being lied to about it. These doctrines are a total fabrication. They were invented to make salvation “quick and convenient”. Many church members today who are relying on these things are clearly not ‘saved’ at all.  2. Church buildings do not exist in the Bible. They were invented around 200-300 AD, when the church was in serious decline. Only a backslidden church could fall so far away from the simplicity of the early church. Church buildings are anti-New Testament, and bring with them a host of problems and traditions. It was basically...

Impacts of Social Media on Our Lives

Social media in our modern civilization Social media has become this significant part of our modern civilization. It is a defining attribute of how integrated our social interactions have become. We acclaim this achievement to the developments that have made in technology to ingenuity of the visionaries among us, who, in creating social networking platforms, have helped write some of the present occurrences being experienced in the world today. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ - A different world of social networking Social networks we have become much sentient of the world we are living in and this is one of the changes being talked about. Social Networking giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ have contributed to create a whole new world where we are free to express our opinion and share it with our friends and peers. This world of social media gives scope to everyone to express and share ideas, thoughts and feelings, who want to be the part of it. The 5 Impacts News - Soc...