Social media in our modern civilization
Social media has become this significant part of our modern civilization. It is a defining attribute of how integrated our social interactions have become. We acclaim this achievement to the developments that have made in technology to ingenuity of the visionaries among us, who, in creating social networking platforms, have helped write some of the present occurrences being experienced in the world today.Facebook, Twitter, Google+ - A different world of social networking
Social networks we have become much sentient of the world we are living in and this is one of the changes being talked about. Social Networking giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ have contributed to create a whole new world where we are free to express our opinion and share it with our friends and peers. This world of social media gives scope to everyone to express and share ideas, thoughts and feelings, who want to be the part of it.The 5 Impacts
News- Social media has become an important source of news. While the credibility of some sources can clearly be contested, news channels tweet or give updates on significant happenings all over the world. Their availability on social networks makes news more accessible. Additionally, news quickly gets passed around the networks in ways never experienced before.Interaction- Social media has furthered interaction by such a massive scale that is hard not to notice it. It allows people to keep in touch in a more regularly, and sometimes, more intimately, than was ever before because of time and space constraints. People cities or continents apart can keep in touch so effortlessly, creating an opportunity to experience different cultures.
Political Landscapes- Social media has enabled greater political awareness and organization, which has in some cases rewritten entire political landscapes. It has particularly played a large part in elections.
Learning- Social media has also played a large part in fostering literacy. Children who start using the platforms develop early communication skills, and generally become more literate. This is an encouraging trend, and thanks to the huge availability of information, both simplistic and complex on the internet, anyone can become as smart or intelligent as they desire.
Marketing- The whole dynamics of marketing has been changed, and rather than investing in mass channels ads, companies are becoming more consumer-centered through interactions made over social media. They are able to understand the needs of the market from the market itself, greatly altering the way marketing has been done in the past.
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