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Showing posts with the label money

Four top tricks to save money

The queen of the discounts reveals how to secure a bargain. Britain's high street has stepped up its battle to tempt you to spend – with serious price cuts on clothing, footwear and electrical goods.  Inflation – the rising cost of food, clothing and other goods or services – eased back from 1.7 per cent in February to 1.6 per cent in March, according to official figures. And a similarly themed index from the British Retail Consortium and Nielsen, a global market research company, recently published figures showing a fall in shop prices thanks to large discounts on clothes and electrical goods. Mike Watkins, head of retailer and business insight at Nielsen, says: ‘Savvy shopping and looking for savings by buying on promotion is the way that most shoppers now look to save money and the continued fall in shop prices will also be helping households to keep to their budget.’  No one takes the job of family budgeting more seriously than Sandra Purser –...

10 Reasons Why You Will Never Become Rich

There’s an interesting maxim about how long wealth actually stays with a person and their descendants. The saying is three generations, tops: one to make it, one to spend it, and the third to blow it. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but have you ever sat down and seriously thought about wealth and what it means to you? Or do you figure, “What the heck, I’ve always been broke, my forefathers were broke; it’s generational” – it’s just a rite of passage of sorts. If you feel that wealth is out of your reach, you aren’t alone. According to some experts, there are millions of ‘clueless potential millionaires’ who could be at the top of the wealth ladder if they only reined in a few bad habits. However, you may be a skeptic, and rightly so. Being wealthy means different things to different people. But according to the experts, there are financial mistakes many people make that keep them away from their possible wealth. What is Wealth Anyway?  Most...