Try these 10 ways to prevent infidelity in your relationship! Most men do not cheat because they don't love you anymore . Men cheat because they want more variety in their sex lives. Some complain of being bored. They want to feel adored by their partners; they want to asert their freedom; they are tired of disappointing you; they want a partner who places them at the center of their life, and they no longer feel like the priority in yours. Sometimes it's because you are speaking different love languages, and some men say it is a biological directive to procreate with as many women as possible for survival of the species. Whatever the reason, men have an innate need to feel respected and appreciated by their partners. It is most disconcerting for a man to realize he has disappointed his partner in some way. He wants to be her hero. So, here are 10 ways to prevent your man from cheating: 1. Be willing to initiate s...
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