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Showing posts with the label Body

How This One Trick Could Transform Your Body

Reading about sports these days, we are constantly bombarded with news of top notch athletes being exposed for using illegal steroids. Steroid use involves huge costs, legal issues, and above all, potential health problems. With such risks, you wonder why anyone would be tempted to go this route. Fortunately, steroid use may eventually be a thing of the past.  That’s because medical researchers studying how the human body builds muscle and endurance are developing safe and legal substances which can increase the body's ability to build muscle, without the health risks associated with steroids. One of the most interesting fields of research surrounds a naturally occurring chemical compound called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which means it helps move oxygen to the muscles when they need it most. Increased nitric oxide in the blood stream signals the blood vessel walls to relax, which allows more blood to flow to the ...

Lifestyle Hips don't lie

What your various body parts say about your personality Mirror We're told size doesn’t matter... but scientists keep finding new ways to suggest it actually does. A controversial study claims women with wider hips have more sexual partners and more one-night stands. Leeds Uni boffins say the broad-of-beam are more suited to childbirth and therefore keener to romp. Many will scoff – women with big hips presumably – there’s plenty of science to say physical attributes DO offer clues to our personalities. From height and hair to boobs and bums, our bodies are sending out messages... Head People with large skulls don’t get so forgetful as they age. Southampton University found pensioners with bigger craniums were better at memory tests. A spokesman said: “The larger a person’s head, the less likely their cognitive abilities are to decline in later years.” Hair Bald men are considered tougher and more macho – but only if they shave their head completely. A Uni...