What your various body parts say about your personality
We're told size doesn’t matter... but scientists keep
finding new ways to suggest it actually does. A controversial study claims
women with wider hips have more sexual partners and more one-night stands.
Uni boffins say the broad-of-beam are more suited to
childbirth and therefore keener to romp. Many will scoff – women with big hips
presumably – there’s plenty of science to say physical attributes DO offer
clues to our personalities. From height and hair to boobs and bums, our bodies
are sending out messages...
People with large skulls don’t get so forgetful as they age.
Southampton University found pensioners with bigger
craniums were better at memory tests. A spokesman said: “The larger a person’s
head, the less likely their cognitive abilities are to decline in later years.”
Bald men are considered tougher and more macho – but only if
they shave their head completely. A University
of Pennsylvania study
found deliberate chrome-domes were perceived as taller, stronger and more
likely to be leaders. Redheads are most sensitive to pain and often require
higher doses of anaesthesia and pain killers. Blonde women are more confident
because they are used to getting more attention, say experts at the University of California.
A wide one shows cleverness, practicality, diligence and a
head full of ideas. A flat one speaks of pragmatism and sticking to the facts.
Chinese face-readers see personality in the tiniest details.
People with thick, dark brows are active and friendly while light and
sparse-browed folk follow directions to the letter. Brows that point upwards
indicate a strong work ethic
A study at Charles University in Prague,
found men with brown eyes are more gentle and trustworthy. But they’re probably
bad risers. The journal of Chronobiology International claim the sleep cycles
of people with darker eyes are up to two hours behind everyone else.
Telling lies really does make your nose grow. Scientist in Illinois found fibbers’
noses swell whent hey’re being economical with the truth. It’s too small to see
with the naked eye, but the swelling is itchy and can trigger tell-tale
Small ears could make you more prone to eczema as skin that
flakes off inside is harder to expel, according to George Murty, consultant
ear, nose and throat surgeon at University Hospitals Leicester. Small, very
low-set ears may indicate kidney problems
People with large tongues may be prone to obstructive sleep apnoea and terrible snoring. Big lips make us more sexually attractive to the opposite sex, says US psychology Professor Michael Cunningham. Men want “fullness, redness and warmth” but women want them a bit smaller and “a combination of sensuality and ruggedness.”
People with large tongues may be prone to obstructive sleep apnoea and terrible snoring. Big lips make us more sexually attractive to the opposite sex, says US psychology Professor Michael Cunningham. Men want “fullness, redness and warmth” but women want them a bit smaller and “a combination of sensuality and ruggedness.”
Women with big chins are more likely to cheat because they
have higher levels of testosterone, according to US research.
Large-breasted women tend to have higher IQs than those less
well endowed, a poll of 1,200 women in Chicago
concluded. Women with big boobs and narrow waists also have more children. Men with hairy chests are less attractive to
women, according to research in Finland
Ladies prefer a smooth torso, particularly at their most fertile time of the
month, because hairy men are more likely to have higher levels of female
hormone oestrogen, which could affect their virility.
People who have longer arms than average are 10% less likely
to get Alzheimers and 7% less likely to develop dementia
Men with ring fingers longer than their index fingers are
bad drivers but those with long index fingers are more likely to suffer
depression. Other scientists believe the length of a man’s ring finger points
to his attitude to money - a ring finger longer than his index finger means
he’s likely to be richer.
Children with ring fingers longer than index fingers do
better at maths but those with second and fourth fingers the same length
perform better in literacy tests, a University
of Bath study found.
Fatter men have greater sexual stamina than slim
men....making love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while thin blokes hold on for
just 108 seconds. Heavy men have higher levels of female sex hormones, slowing
their progress to orgasm. Omphalomancers – people who study belly buttons –
claim women with bowl-shaped or concave navels are sensitive and prone to
Women with big hips are more forgetful than their
peers....so probably don’t remember all the one night-stands. But storing fat
around the hips rather than your middle, could protect them better against
diabetes and heart disease.
A recent study in Russia claimed men with muscly
buttocks are strong, persistent and last longer in bed while chaps with saddle
bag bums are boring, while women with round bottoms are highly-sexed,
materialistic and unkind while those with saggy bums are good wives and careful
Men with smaller testicles are more likely to be involved in
childcare. The researchers from Emory University in Atlanta
suggest that lower levels of testosterone may suppress a man’s mating efforts,
allowing him to channel all his energy into nappy-changing, feeding and
A Danish study of 3000 men and women found those with
thinner thighs had a higher risk of heart disease and premature death.
Researchers thought low muscle mass in the area could be to
blame, as it could affect insulin sensitivity, while researchers at Oxford
University think the fat in wobbly thighs traps fatty acids and stops them
flowing through the bloodstream and getting deposited in vital organs.
Men with big feet do not always have large manhoods. A study
carried out in 2002 proved there is no direct correlation between foot length
and penis length. People with bunions are probably doing too much for other
people, and not enough for themselves. People with wide feet are usually very
hard-working. If you can wiggle your little toe separately from your fourth
toe, you are an impulsive, adventurous, charming flirt. If you can’t, you value
routine, predictability and loyalty.
Long legs indicate a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Bristol University scientists showed each 4.3cm
increase of leg length resulted in a 19 per cent reduction in risk.
And other researchers have discovered that women with legs
between 20 and 29 inches long tend to have higher levels of four enzymes that
indicate liver disease. Shorter legs are an indication of poor childhood
nutrition, which may also play a role in liver function.
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