Facebook remains the largest social media
network in Kenya with 3.8 million users, a new report released yesterday
shows. The State of Social Media in Kenya by the Digital Rand says
Linkedin comes second with more than 1 million users while Twitter is
third with 650,000 users.
The report says the growth of Twitter peaked between 2012 and 2013.
The first Kenyan Twitter account was @kamuiri registered in March 28,
2007, followed by @kenyamoto and @Sonnimuriuki. The report says about
four million Kenyans use social media in their day to day activities."Kenyans on Twitter cumulatively command a following of 120,199,588 followers and cumulatively follow 49,539,705 users. The average Kenyan follows 89 users and has 214 followers," says the report.
It says 19 per cent of Kenyans have not tweeted in 2014 while 65 per cent of all Twitter accounts are dormant. The report comes amid increased cases of hate speech propagated through the social media.
The office of the director of public prosecution is drafting a Cyber Crime and Computer Related Bill to fill the gap and tame cyber criminals, including propagators of hate speech on social media and identify thieves, who are on the rise due to advanced technology.
The report says twitter for Android is, by far, the most popular mobile application. "LinkedIn has the highest number of inactive users, Google+ and Twitter follow."
Kenyans on Twitter in Nairobi stand at 74 perc ent while those in Diaspora stand at 11 per cent. The report says tweets with hashtags stand at 34 per cent. It estimates that more than 300 million tweets have been posted to date.
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