For startups, user growth, product growth, virality, marketing
usually goes on the top of their priority list. As part of product
planning cycles, embedding information security into their
product/service is the last concern for most startups.
Often you see devops engineers, systems engineers, infrastructure
engineers or system administrators wear the security hat in these
startups and performs some of the small security fixes or patches. Even
though they can perform research on the procedures to apply patches,
harden databases, or implement remediation as a result of the industry
breaches, they might not take every decision or option from security
Consider the Code Spaces startup breach that basically caused them to
go out of business due to improper hardening of the root passwords and
not following the AWS security best practices. This deeply ignored lack
of security awareness has actually caused millions, and in the case of
some companies has even lead to shutdown because of the loss of data
and reputation.
Robert Hansen, the director of product management at WhiteHat
Security, said persuading start-ups to invest in security could often
feel like "talking to a brick wall."
I'm going to share some of my startup security experiences about 7
deadly sins that startup security professionals often fail to recognize.
Applying information security practices in startups and medium and
large sized organizations needs shifting your mindset in deciding the
right controls for your organization.
1. Lack of understanding of your business threats
Cyber security is not just an issue for governments and FTSE 100
companies, cyber attacks can affect every business, however large or
According to last year's Information Breaches Survey conducted by PwC for the Department of Business Innovation & Skills:
87% of SMEs had a security breach in the last year; and only 9% of
small organizations know that outsiders have stolen confidential data.
It is very important that you understand your business threats before
you can protect your data. Perform risk assessment and prioritize your
data, assign threat levels, assign risk score and evaluate the
appropriate controls that you want to protect against. Pragmatic risk
management isn't about trying to anticipate and mitigate every source of
risk. For example, the risks for bitcoin startup will be different than
the risks for a startup that specializes on IoT.
2. Misalignment with your IT strategy
Security engineers need to be fully involved while setting up the IT
Strategy. Unless you clearly know whether your servers will be hosted in
the third party public cloud by a third party firm (SSAE16/ISO27001
certified) or if it's better to bring your infrastructure in-house in
the near-term (2 years), you cannot clearly frame your security strategy
around this.
What happens if you introduce network stack and invest millions of
dollars at this third party vendor to monitor the ingress/egress flow of
traffic and then after several months, your IT decides to bring their
critical servers in-house? You will have to again scale, re-scope this
exercise and perform thorough gap analysis to fix this.
As a startup security engineer, you will wear multiple hats and it's
your responsibility to be part of the architectural review board, voice
your opinions and ideas with IT, vendor management, HR and any other
critical functions.
3. Lack of security governance on third party vendors
Do startups need to care about protecting their data first before
evaluating the third party vendors who store their data? This is not
always true.
Most of the startups run their servers and infrastructure hosted in a
third party public cloud (such as AWS, Google Cloud, Rackspace etc).
With the amount of cloud security breaches happening, it's important to
select the right hosted solution for your organization who cares about
customer's data. And there are these third party email ticketing
solutions & other vendors who manages company's payroll, staffing
solutions and the list goes on. Your role as security assessor is
critical when startups establishes relationship with these third party
vendors. Seek to establish cloud assessment criteria (BITS, CSA, ISO
etc) and ensure that these cloud hosted vendors meet your standards.
4. Continuous deployment lacks security checks
Startups cannot afford to have extensive change management process
and only deploy the code on a weekly or bi-weekly basis as big companies
do. The ability to continuously deploy the code to production (multiple
times daily) with minimal QA checks and peer review has become part of
the code deployment process and there is no time to perform secure code
review, threat modeling etc. As security engineers, it is important to
develop secure coding framework but still be able to educate developers
about secure coding practices without hindering the deploy process. It's
not easy to integrate security into the code review process and have
developers validate improper exception handling, XSS, XSRF, verbose
errors etc but this is something that can be managed through education,
training the developers and have proper stage gate review process.
5. Bad investment on unnecessary security tools
For some companies, availability might be more critical than
security. Invest more time in selecting the appropriate DDoS solutions,
CDN providers than investing in centralized SSO solutions, for example.
As a startup security engineer and lead, you set the tone for
security across the organization and it's important that you invest in
the right tools for the organization as you cannot afford bad
6. Not empowering your employees.
In startups, things move really fast. That means the ability to
quickly identify the vulnerabilities and fix them. Who do you think in
your organization is better able to spot those weak spots before the bad
hackers? Of course, it will be your employees. It's imperative to
create the ecosystem where your smartest employees are motivated to
identify security incidents and report them without worrying about the
repercussions. Security awareness is even more important in startups
than in large companies. In large companies, you will have the ability
to use automated emails, phishing solution to educate the employees,
have security programs as part of new hire orientations, etc. However,
in startups, you have to look for creative ways to educate employees
about breaches and incidents.
7. Managing bug bounty programs
With the limited amount of security budget and resources startups
have, try to leverage these third party bug bounty programs such as
Hackerone, Bugcrowd and many others. Once you know you have sufficiently
hardened the infrastructure and fixed the known vulnerabilities, then
you can open this upto one of these bounty programs. Fix the low-hanging
fruits first.
Scoping the program is very important as you don't want to get an
influx of multiple redundant vulnerabilities reported by researchers.
Also remediate the low priority vulnerabilities that can be found
through regular automated software checks before engaging with these
Alternatively, you can choose to set up a public sandbox environment
that people can test against that runs the same code as production.
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