Signs he is in love with you can be hard to spot in the beginning, especially if you are just starting a #relationship. New relationships can be hard to handle in the #beginning,
but they are also super exciting! So how can you tell if he is really
into you long-term? What are the biggest signs he loves you? Well
ladies, stay tuned because #below, I'm going to explore the top 17 signs he loves you so that you can spot love right away!
1. Eye Contact
Most guys, when they are not interested in something, #look away. Most of the #time, if you watch a guy long enough, you will begin to see the exact moment he loses his interest – his eyes avert. If your man is constantly looking into your eyes, constantly keeping up #eye contact, that is one of the first signs he is in love with you!
If your #boyfriend starts to really dive deep into who you are on the inside, instead of on the surface, he is definitely into you. When a man is interested in a #girl, he wants to know her deepest secrets, her wants and desires, her dreams and how she gets inspired. When these questions start to come up, this is one of the #signs he loves you – even if he can't admit it yet!
As you can see, spotting signs he loves you is not easy, but if you
pay attention, you might be able to tell the exact moment when he falls
for you. If you have a boyfriend that hasn't admitted his love yet, just
wait it out and #look for these signs he loves you – who knows, maybe he is scared of rejection. What do you ladies think? Do you have a #man that you are waiting to say 'I love you' to? Share your stories!
1. Eye Contact
Most guys, when they are not interested in something, #look away. Most of the #time, if you watch a guy long enough, you will begin to see the exact moment he loses his interest – his eyes avert. If your man is constantly looking into your eyes, constantly keeping up #eye contact, that is one of the first signs he is in love with you!
2. Interested in You
If your #boyfriend starts to really dive deep into who you are on the inside, instead of on the surface, he is definitely into you. When a man is interested in a #girl, he wants to know her deepest secrets, her wants and desires, her dreams and how she gets inspired. When these questions start to come up, this is one of the #signs he loves you – even if he can't admit it yet!
3. Cuddling
I am so not a touchy-feely type of person. It just isn't who I am, but
when I found my BH, it was magical. Instantly, I couldn't stop touching
her and cuddling her. If he is constantly #cuddling you, it's definitely one of the signs he loves you!
4. Small Touches
Cuddling is much different than small little touches. A soft touch to
the small of your back, to the crook of your arm, to the back of your
neck. Small touches make a huge difference and that is actually how a #guy shows that he is really into you!
5. Introduces You to His Friends
A man in love is not scared to introduce his #girlfriend
to his friends. He knows that no matter what they think, they are going
to see how happy he is and instantly love her (most of the #time). If you get to meet his friends, that is definitely one of the first #signs he is in love with you.
6. Wants You to Meet His Family
After the friends, the family is next. A lot of the #time, guys won't bring home just any girl to their mom and dad. If your #guy brings you to his parents' house, that's a really good sign he loves you and he could be getting ready to admit it!
7. Texts You First
If your #boy
is constantly calling you, constantly texting you first, you know you've
got a good guy and that he really cares about you. There are guys out
there that don't leave their #girlfriend sweet texts during their work day or in the middle of the night so they will see it in the morning. If your #guy is doing that, he's definitely in love with you!
8. Makes You Laugh
When you are in a relationship, it isn't something that should be boring and stiff all of the #time. You should be able to let loose and have fun. If your #guy
can make you laugh and make you really feel special, he's probably
going to be the one that ends up at the end of the aisle for you!
9. Spends Time with You
Typically, if a #guy just doesn't feel it and really isn't into you, he won't want to spend any time with you. If your #boyfriend
is constantly looking for an excuse to spend time with you, he's
probably in love. Whether it is seeing you for lunch or just popping
over so he can spend some time with you – make sure that you return the
favor and go out of your way to spend #time with him too.
10. Gets a Little Jealous
It's completely normal if he feels a little jealous in certain situations as long as it's not intense, because most of the #time
if guys are jealous, that means they have feelings for you. It's
something that they do inadvertently and unconsciously but it gives the
girls a hint into what they are really feeling!
11. Talks about the Future
If he is telling you about his plans to move in the future and
immediately after that asks if you ever see yourself moving there,
chances are that he is in it for the long run. If he makes long-term
plans with you or jokes about what you two would be like ten years from
now, he is indirectly stating that he has no intention of letting you
go! No #guy will start talking about your future together unless he is sure about his feelings.
12. He Compromises
One of the more #obvious signs
that he loves you is that he is willing to compromise even if deep down
inside he doesn't want to. So if he starts to meet you in the middle
without being stubborn then he is really trying! Selflessness is one of
the #first signs that he is truly in love with you.
13. He Goes out of His Way for You
If he starts feeling that going an extra mile is nothing compared to
making you happy, then that's a big sign that he is the one! #Guys
usually don't go out of their way for just anyone, and if you are the
one who softens his heart then you definitely have a special place in
his heart!
14. He is Protective
Usually when a #guy
is really protective about your well-being, it means that his feelings
for you are strong. If you go on a trip by yourself or hang out with
your friends
until late and he gives you a call after your get home and can relax
after knowing that you are safe and sound, he loves you even if he can't
admit it himself.
15. He Can't Stay Mad at You
If your #guy can't stay mad at you for more than a couple of hours, it's love! #People
who are in love can't stay mad at each other for too long without
regretting it. So if he makes the first move to make up with you and
apologizes even if he is not wrong, he truly cares about you.
16. He Values Your Opinion
If he always values your opinion and anything that you have to say, it
means that he values you as a whole! You can make sure of that if you
see him asking for your opinion before making a big decision or talking
to you about something that's bothering him! Although it's nothing
really big, it can reveal a lot!
17. Says 'I Love You'
Finally, when he admits that he loves you, that is when you know for
sure that he does. Most of the time (not all, but most), if a guy
finally tells his #girlfriend that he loves her, it is a big deal for him. Guys have a very difficult #time expressing their feelings, keep that in mind.
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