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The Importance of Celebrating You

I have been celebrating my birthday over the past couple of weeks. I attended intimate dinners and cocktail events that I arranged in my honor in Chicago, New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles. As I made my way across the country, each night I would walk into a room filled with people I love. In turn, the next day I came to my meetings happily in service. Injecting more love into your life is essential to your success. That’s because closing deals and building relationships is no longer about selling, it’s about serving. We serve others when we bring love into the room – when we compassionately listen to their challenges and provide tailor-made solutions. This naturally happens when you leave your problems and ego at the door and operate with principled intention. Getting to that self-assured place can be difficult — especially if you feel the weight of personal issues or you’re caught up in a drama at work. To set all that aside and arrive from an authentic place of s...

Needs vs. Wants

Why is that when we get what we want it can feel like a hollow victory? Maybe it’s because we didn’t really need it after all. A few weeks ago I made a list of what I needed and what I wanted in my life. This was soul-searching work. For so long I had operated from a place of want. I bought things because I wanted them. I had that extra glass of wine because I wanted it. I chose partners and projects because I wanted to be wanted. My wants were primal and fleeting. It was not in my nature to work from a place of need. Even admitting that I needed anything was painful. I sat and pondered the question, “What do I really need?” I went to my core values of love, safety and integrity. Yes, I needed these values operating in my life, but how did I need them to show up? Based on my core values, I came up with 5 needs that I would admit to myself: I need to attract partners and clients who understand that I have a daughter and she comes first. I need to surround myself with ...

Unmotivated? Burned Out? Stuck?

Answering these questions will help you come back to yourself so you can finally move forward. Because my visit to Atlanta fell on the eve of my company’s 21 st birthday, this trip down memory lane took on a profound significance. I tried to recall what attracted me to the South and specifically, to Atlanta.  What was it about working in fashion, music and TV that got me out of bed in the morning?  Who was I then?  What were my dreams?  What defined success for me? I held these questions in my mind as I walked the tony neighborhood of Brookhaven– inhaling the smell of fresh cut grass and noticing how each person I passed waved hello. Over two decades later, I still admired the stately architecture, the incredible food, the warm, sunny landscape, and how folks down here just seem to know how to let loose and have a good time. I was coming back to a part of me I had somehow lost. Looking back is a critical way to move forward. Evolving your...

21 Ways To Make A Name For Yourself

What does it take to create a high performance career that gains steam, rather than peters out? Read on. 1. Be curious. Do everything you can to understand the people who influence your success. Ask them about their challenges, dreams, what makes them happy. Then just listen and say, “Tell me more” to spark deep and productive conversations. 2. Know your value. Crisply articulate who you are and what you can contribute in a way that tells those in your sphere of influence why you are the solution. Before you start talking, know your audience so that you don’t sell them, but serve their needs. 3. Get on a mission. We are all here for a true purpose. Why are you here? If you don’t know, others will define you and you could end up on the wrong path. Take time to consider and live by your mission and you’ll enjoy a passionate, prosperous life. 4. Score face time. If you want to make meaningful contacts, nothing beats actually (not virtually) being in the room....

How to Know If You are Marrying the Right Person

How to Marry the Right Person Finding Miss or Mr. Right is not always an easy thing to do. Once you think you've found the right person, you may have doubts. Having doubts about who you are marrying is not only normal, having doubts is healthy. Hopefully you already know that you shouldn't marry someone who drinks too much, spends too much, works too much, brags too much, uses drugs or other illegal behavior, or is unfaithful, cruel, or dishonest. If your future spouse is free of those destructive behaviors and you are still having doubts about getting married, read through these statements. You will see if your doubts are reasonable and worth paying attention to or if you are having cold feet about getting married without having any rational reasons. Happiness and Emotional Support Although expecting a spouse to make you feel happy all the time is unreasonable, being with the right person can bring happiness and a sense of personal strength to your life. Y...

6 Secrets To Finding The Right Partner

When it comes to business or love, you have to set your intention and make a plan. Back in the mid 90’s I had a successful brand marketing business, a beautiful house in the Hollywood Hills (complete with killer view and hot tub) and a great social life. What I didn’t have, and what I longed for, was a family of my own. One day, I decided to sit down and write a partnership strategy for me, and a marketing plan to find him.  That’s right, I put finding love at the top of my “to-do list” and gave myself the most important assignment of my life. Consciously seeking a strong partnership — rather than letting it all go to chance isn’t just smart — it’s good business!   During the five years I had been divorced, I had let love come in and out of my life without any long-term success.  But, when I wrote down my hearts desire… POW… everything clicked!  Within six months, I found Steven Roffer — the love of my life – and future business partner.  Here’s how yo...

Lifestyle Hips don't lie

What your various body parts say about your personality Mirror We're told size doesn’t matter... but scientists keep finding new ways to suggest it actually does. A controversial study claims women with wider hips have more sexual partners and more one-night stands. Leeds Uni boffins say the broad-of-beam are more suited to childbirth and therefore keener to romp. Many will scoff – women with big hips presumably – there’s plenty of science to say physical attributes DO offer clues to our personalities. From height and hair to boobs and bums, our bodies are sending out messages... Head People with large skulls don’t get so forgetful as they age. Southampton University found pensioners with bigger craniums were better at memory tests. A spokesman said: “The larger a person’s head, the less likely their cognitive abilities are to decline in later years.” Hair Bald men are considered tougher and more macho – but only if they shave their head completely. A Uni...